Can Young Children Actually Learn from Educational Apps?

Parents often hear about the dangers of screen time for children, but rarely does there seem to be a distinction among different types of screen time.  Every day research finds that infants and toddlers on average spend 10 to 45 minutes per day on touchscreen devices. Many apps on these devices claim to be educational, and some apps are even used as part of the curriculum in elementary schools and even in early childhood education centers. Yet apps for young children are largely unregulated, and the number of choices alone may be extremely overwhelming for parents.

So does research find that young children can actually learn from this technology? Are apps more educational than TV shows or movies?

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Parenting Translator is hosted by Dr. Cara Goodwin and is produced by Earfluence.

Dr. Cara Goodwin, PhD, is a child psychologist and mother to three children who "translates" research on parenting and child development into information that is accurate, relevant, and useful to parents.
Can Young Children Actually Learn from Educational Apps?
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